
  • Vol. 1 No. 1: P-JEIS Parahikma Journal of Education and Integrated Sciences (January, 2021)
    Vol. 1 No. 1

    Welcome to the first edition of P-JEIS: Parahikma Journal of Education and Integrated Sciences. This issue  bring you a selection of new thinking and insights drawn from  scholars from the disciplinary of education.  It features five articles with distinctive discussions on education and integrated sciences. At P-JEIS we always encourage our reviewers to put their commitment,  to ensure they recall their role to help authors improve their academic voices. Our editors also strive to support authors through this process. Hopefully, the authors appearing in this issue could empower their publication through this journal. As a new journal publication, we always keen to hear suggestions about how we might improve, so please do get in touch. 

  • Vol. 1 No. 2: P-JEIS Parahikma Journal of Education and Integrated Sciences (July, 2021)
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)

    Welcome to the seond edition of P-JEIS: Parahikma Journal of Education and Integrated Sciences. This issue of PJEIS features a number of original research articles dealing with topics including: the online learning teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic, the perceptions and challenges of simplified method, and a discourse analysis on swearing words in Makassar.